
Yesterday i silaturahim my teacher in MtsN Jatiasih. For long time i plan this agenda.  After mengaji i feel sleepy cause i wake up at 3 a.m then continued my comic and i don’t know why.. i want to read k Putri post on her blog. And then Read k Putri blog made my sleepy gone. Heehe. Last yesterday i have called my friend, Chairunisa (Anis) . I invited her for silaturahim our teacher. The begining i want to called at teacher on Wednesday. But, Anis can’t. So, move on Thursday. I remind Anis for went at 9 o’clock. But she replied my message at 09:28 !. With the question “ jadi ?” .hh.... i just answered “yes, at 10 o’clock”.

My school not to far from home about 1 km may be more. So seldom transportation to my school. Was time ,i walked to school often. Cause if waiting the transport that’s need so much time. Until now stiil seldom transportation to there. So, Anis brought her motor cycle. We brought some cake tin.

When arrived at school we surprised. Many something have changed. Any way this is the second, we called at school after three years ago.  Firstly we felt shy for come in. Hahaha. Then, i ask to Anis for come in first. Hhe. We looked two teacher but we forgot name of them. Rebellious student, said me. Hehe. We approach them then saliman. Wah, you thin now..said my teacher to me. Hahaha in junior high i fat. I just smile hear that. After little conversation our step strive teacher room, hope can meet many teacher there. Alhamdulillah, those was five teacher who was teach our. One by one we approached. With little conversation some question about our study and gift some advice. And the special moment is when one by one teacher pray for us. That’s made me so glad. About 1 hour we talk with all teacher. Then  we take leave, our teacher said  “ thank’s for silaturahim here” ^^ ..this is the reason why i want to silaturahim. Cause with this i can remember my teacher and can get teacher’s pray. This very important. I very glad too, Mrs. Ida still remember my name. Proud..hhe. Cause other teacher just remember our face. Except cause difficult for remember so many student them have, we not so famous in school too. Hhe. Finally i wish, this is not the last silaturahim and all my teacher pray’s will become true. Aamiin ^^

one of ulama said: “waman fa’atul ‘ilmi bil khidmah” and the andvantage of knowledge will you get with respect (your teacher and your knowledge).


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